
Verimaster anti counterfeit technology offers a fail-safe solution to your brand protection and product verification requirements.

Invisible to the naked eye and lasting the lifetime of your product, Verimaster anti counterfeit technology is detectable only by our bespoke sensory or optical detectors.

This innovative additive technology secures the integrity of your brand through the recognition of authentic products – and the instant detection of fake products. Similarly, Verimaster anti counterfeit technology can monitor the use of specified materials in your product, revealing the presence of any spurious components.


Why Verimaster?

Far more effective than a watermark or a hologram, which can be easily manipulated or imitated, Verimaster anti counterfeit technology adds a new level of protection for your brand and products.

Choose Verimaster anti counterfeit technology for your product range to protect your customers from fake goods and your profits from fraudulent activity.

Solutions we offer

  • Flexible Films
  • Paints & Coatings
  • Paper & Board
  • Polymers and Plastics
  • Surfaces
  • Textiles & Fabrics

Verimaster technology

Verimaster anti counterfeit technology employs a highly covert identification process, allowing you to ensure that your products or manufacturing techniques are safe from forgery.

The only way of detecting whether Verimaster anti counterfeit technology is present is by using our bespoke detectors.

Addmaster case studies

View our case studies
  • Harfield Tableware
    • Biomaster
    Harfield Tableware
  • Composite Fibreglass Mouldings
    • Biomaster
    Composite Fibreglass Mouldings
  • BeaconMedaes
    • Biomaster

Latest Addmaster news

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Find out how Verimaster anti counterfeit technology can add value to your products
