
As architects and building specifiers are encouraged to design buildings to be more energy efficient, mechanical HVAC systems are increasingly relied upon for airflow.

Incorporating Biomaster antimicrobial technology into surfaces of ductwork, wall materials, or water pipework will inhibit the growth of harmful microbes, providing a more hygienic environment.

Biomaster can be built into any permanent building feature to provide effective antimicrobial protection for the lifetime of the product.


Antimicrobial technology for building materials

When constructing new building work for hygiene critical locations all steps should be taken to ensure that the finished article will be easily maintained and protected against deterioration for as long as possible.

In buildings where many people co-exist in close proximity, such as hotels, cruise ships, hospitals and office blocks, specifying materials and products which can complement cleaning protocols can help to alleviate sick building syndrome and reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

Biomaster antimicrobial technology can be introduced into any permanent or non-permanent feature within buildings, such as walls, floors, door handles, radiators, worktops and air conditioning units to provide long lasting antimicrobial protection.


Antimicrobial technology for HVAC systems, ductwork and piping

Microbes through the air can cause infectious disease and unwanted odours, affecting the quality of air that we breathe.

Architects and specifiers who incorporate Biomaster antimicrobial technology into HVAC system and filters can help to reduce the impact of bacteria that could otherwise spread through contaminated.

The same technology is easily applied to water pipework, for waste and potable supply, reducing the risk of Legionella building up which can lead to outbreaks of Legionnaire’s disease in larger water systems.

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Antimicrobial technology for walls and sealants

In hygiene critical environments, walls can often be overlooked as an exposure pathway for harmful microbes as cleaning protocols might not always incorporate thorough cleaning.

Biomaster antimicrobial protection can be easily added for wall coverings from cladding, paint and even ceramic tiles to ensure that around the clock protection is provided where needed.

In addition, antimicrobial adhesives, grout and other sealants treated with Biomaster antimicrobial technology can protect from the build of up mould, fungi and bacteria and help to complement cleaning regimes.

Features & benefits

  • Independent testing

    All of our antimicrobial treated solutions are independently tested at a leading laboratory to ISO 22196 to ensure of a high quality efficacy against the microbes your product and end application requires.

  • Free of charge samples

    We can provide free-of-charge antimicrobial samples for you to test to ensure that incorporating Biomaster antimicrobial technology into your range of building materials or construction product specification is as straightforward as possible.

  • Expert support - with no licence fees

    Unlike other antimicrobial additive suppliers, there are no licence fees for using our technology.  You get the support of our technical, regulatory and marketing experts free of charge to help make your product a success.

How Biomaster works

Biomaster can be added at any stage of the manufacturing process and is available in masterbatch, liquid or powder formulations for plastics, textiles, paper and coatings.

When bacteria come into contact with a Biomaster protected surface, the active antimicrobial agent prevents them from growing, producing energy or replicating, inhibiting any further growth.

The controlled release of the active ingredient provides powerful, effective antimicrobial protection for the lifetime of the product.

Building material case studies

View our case studies
  • Mocom
    • Biomaster
  • Composite Fibreglass Mouldings
    • Biomaster
    Composite Fibreglass Mouldings
  • Colex International
    • Biomaster
    Colex International

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